Demonstrating the economic value of domestic abuse interventions

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This 3.5 hr training session delivered by Professor G.J. Melendez-Torres and Senior Research Fellow Louise Crathorne from the University of Exeter is designed to provide an introduction to economic evaluation, including identifying the value for money and economic impacts of domestic abuse interventions and services. This could include for example showing the economic impact of co-located domestic abuse advocates, or domestic abuse specific initiatives in place across services. It will be useful for bid-writing and understanding the impact of domestic abuse interventions on organisational budgets.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the uses of different economic evaluation approaches

  • Interpret economic evaluations across a range of approaches

  • Develop tools for value communication of domestic abuse services and interventions

  • Design a basic budget impact model

Target audience/suitable for:

Managers, grant writers, service planners/commissioners, advocates from third sector, local authorities and NHS

Date: 12th July

Time: 10am-1.30pm

Where: Zoom (link to be provided upon receipt of payment)

Max no. of participants: 20
Price: £25 per person